The object of Residence Hall rules is to regulate accommodation and living in the Halls of residence UH-4 and UH-5 in the Studentské square in Uherské Hradiště. The provisions fully apply to all accommodated students and partially to guests staying in the hostel.

Article 1 – Basic provisions

  1. EDUHA, ltd. (hereinafter also referred to as „Landlord“) manages Halls of Residence, Hall UH-4 as its own property and UH-5 as mandatory of the Town of Uherske Hradiste. The purpose of this facility is intended for accommodation, catering (mainly for the members of the academic community – students and employees) and various other activities.
  2. The Executive Director of the Landlord is responsible for the activities and operations of the Landlord to the degree determined by Landlord’s Statute.
  3. The accommodation in the Halls of Residence has to comply with the provisions included in the §§ 2326 – 2331 of the Civil Code No. 89/2012 in the Official Publication of Laws and Statutes in the version of later alterations and amendments and with these Residence Halls Rules.
  4. Landlord issues its own internal regulations, to the extent allowed by effective general laws.

Article 2 – Landlord’s Objective

  1. To provide full-time local students with paid accommodation.
  2. To provide other persons with paid accommodation, unless it is detrimental to the main activity in accordance with the item 1/ in the Article No. 2.

Article 3 – Eligibility – Decisions on the Accommodation

  1. No student has the legal right to be accommodated in the Halls of Residence.
  2. The accommodation in the Halls of Residence can be provided for students only on the basis of their written or electronic application.
  3. The accommodation applications are to be submitted by students to the Landlord within a deadline set by the Executive Director of the Landlord.
  4. The Landlord shall process the submitted students’ applications and draw up a waiting list in conformity with the established criteria. Then the Landlord shall compile lists of applicant names with whom it wishes to enter the Accommodation Contract with.
  5. The applicants who have been rejected are entitled to appeal in writing to the Executive Director of the Landlord within 7 days of publishing their rejection.
  6. The accepted applicant must sign an Accommodation Contract, which does not entitle that person to a specific place in the Halls of Residence. During the academic year the assigned room in the Halls of Residence can be changed only in exceptional cases, which include technical and/or operational reasons.
  7. The Accommodation Contract is to be entered into between the Executive Director of the Landlord and the accommodated student or person.
  8. If the accommodated student or person fails to sign the Accommodation Contract within 2 days of the assigned move in day, the contractual obligation of the Landlord is voided. The student may apply in writing to the Residence Hall Management for a delayed move in date, in which case the aforementioned facts apply.

Article 4 – Students’ allocation in the accommodation facilities

The Residence Hall Management will assign rooms to the individual student or person. These assignments are contractually binding.

Article 5 – Payment for the accommodation and related services

Payment terms and conditions are thoroughly regulated by Accommodation instructions, Accommodation contract and the other provisions of the Residence Halls Rules.

Article 6 – Assigned place in the Halls of Residence and common areas

  1. The assigned place in the Halls of Residence is defined as a living area where the student’s bed and other facilities are situated (depending on the equipment in the particular room type), e.g. a hall, a bathroom, a toilet.
  2. Common areas are defined as areas available for Halls of Residence activities, intended for the use of all students; e.g. study rooms, shared sanitary facilities, shared kitchens.
  3. Common areas in the Halls of Residence are available for the use of all residents alike. In buildings containing a shared kitchen, cooking is allowed only in the designated area.
  4. A damage report must be completed in conjunction with authorized residence staff within 24 hours of the assigned move in day. In the event the accommodated student or person fails to complete this report, he/she will be liable for all damage to the room, personally or jointly.
  5. The residents assume responsibility to maintain the assigned space in a clean and tidy condition and to do the cleaning with their own detergents.
  6. It is not allowed to carry out business or similar activities in the Residence Halls buildings.

Article 7 – Termination of accommodation

  1. The accommodation terminates
    1. when the period expires the accommodation in the Accommodation Contract has been concluded for,
    2. of the reason for notice on the part of the student with the notice time period designated in the Accommodation Contract,,
    3. on the cancellation of the Accommodation Contract (see Article 8),
    4. by closing an Agreement between the Landlord and the student.
  2. In the event the student fails to comply with the checkout deadline, the Accommodation Services Clerk in the given Hall of Residence will organize the removal of the student, at the student’s expense.

Article 8 – Premature termination of the Accommodation Contract

  1. The Executive Director of the Landlord can prematurely terminate the Accommodation Contract immediately if the student fails to pay the charge for the accommodation stipulated in the agreed upon Contract for more than one month or the student has repeatedly, viciously and/or intentionally violated the Accommodation Contract, the provisions of the Residence Halls Rules or of superior legal normality. The Landlord does not pay the student back the charge for the accommodation or its proportional part.
  2. A violation of any of the provisions involved in the Residence Halls Rules under the influence of alcohol, psychotropic substances and/or narcotic drugs can also represent a reason for a termination of the Accommodation Contract.

Article 9 – Rights and obligations of the student accommodated in the Hall of Residence

  1. The accommodated student has a right to:
    1. be provided with standard room equipment (as listed in the inventory posted in the room) and routine maintenance service,
    2. receive a Residence Halls identification card, granting him/her access to the Hall of Residence, and to obtain an access card to the assigned room,
    3. enter the Hall of Residence including his/her assigned place at any time,
    4. keep the assigned place locked at any time,
    5. have his/her privacy strictly respected (Other people’s room can be entered only with the approval of the residents.),
    6. a change of bed linen in accordance with the hygiene regulations currently in force, i.e. once a month,
    7. receive visitors in compliance with Articles 11, 12 of these Rules,
    8. submit proposals, comments and observations regarding resident life to the Residence Hall Management and/or the Executive Director of the Landlord,
    9. use electrical appliances permitted in the Residence Hall building for a fee. The list of permissible electrical appliances including the corresponding fees is included in the Price List for Accommodation,
    10. apply for an amendment to the Accommodation Contract.

  3. The accommodated student is required to:
    1. present his/her identity card (foreigners must present a valid passport and a residence permit), the undergraduate’s course unit record and 2 photographs (4,5 x 3,5 cm) during the assigned move in day,
    2. take over the assigned place in the Halls of Residence in compliance with the Accommodation Contract,
    3. abide by the provisions included in the Residence Halls Rules, to follow the instructions issued by the Executive Director of the Landlord,
    4. observe the hygiene and health regulations,
    5. observe the safety and fire regulations,
    6. handle the equipment in the assigned place in the Hall of Residence and in the common areas with care and in clean and tidy condition. Non-maintenance of cleanliness and hygiene in the residential premises shall be considered as a gross violation of the Residence Halls Rules and can represent a reason for a termination of the accommodation,
    7. pay the charge for the accommodation by due date and in the manner determined by the Landlord. The payment date and method concerning the charge for the accommodation are given in the Accommodation Contract,
    8. present the Residence Halls identification card without being asked when entering the Hall of Residence. The students are required to present the Residence Halls identification card upon request from the Residence Halls staff or anyone authorized by the Executive Director of the Landlord. This requirement causes the accommodated student to prove his/her identity,
    9. permit duly authorized staff to enter and inspect his/her assigned room and check to see if the regulations stipulated in Article 9, clause 2, letters d) e) and f) are being observed; maintenance, removal of detected damage and various other inspections. Other routine checks include: Observance of fire regulations and observance of directives and bans. Inspections do not require prior notification and only require the presence of at least one student currently occupying the inspected room or the presence of a person authorized by the resident during the inspection. When protecting life or property from imminent danger, no prior notification is necessary to enter the room,
    10. take part in the room inspection on demand in compliance with the letter above, or to provide access to the room by another person,
    11. report damages detected in the room or in the Residence Halls building at the next porter’s lodge without delay,
    12. return the assigned place in the Residence Halls at the end of the Accommodation Period in the same condition it was in on move in day. In case damages are detected, the Residence Hall employee shall draw up a survey of damage report,
    13. return the borrowed equipment in good condition to the Residence Halls administration staff, return the Residence Halls identification card and the access card. The departing student or person is also required to check out,
    14. reimburse the Landlord for everything the accommodating party lost or damaged while living at the Residence Halls. The Residence Hall Management will determine the total amount of reimbursement.

  5. The accommodated student is not allowed to:
    1. receive visitors in a manner different than established in the Articles 11 and 12 of the Residence Halls Rules,
    2. tamper with equipment of any kind, incl. ceiling fire sensors or door locks and use non-permitted electrical appliances,
    3. change the door locks on any of the assigned rooms in the Residence Halls,
    4. rearrange and disassemble the furniture in the assigned room, to swap furniture between the students’ rooms, to bring private parts of room equipment and install them in the Hall of Residence. Certain alterations to the room equipment can be made only with the permission of the Residence Halls Management,
    5. smoke in the non-smoking area of the University Halls of Residence,
    6. keep animals in the rooms,
    7. keep sports equipment in the room, unless an exception has been allowed by the Residence Halls Management and at the same time agreed by the roommates,
    8. place articles of any kind on the outside window sills,
    9. stick posters onto the walls, furniture and varnished surfaces.

Article 10 – Rights and obligations of the Residence Hall Management

  1. The Residence Hall Management is entitled to:
    1. enter into the Accommodation Contract with a student on behalf of the Executive Director of the Landlord,
    2. terminate the Accommodation Contract entered into with a student, giving a reason for having done so,
    3. claim a financial compensation for the damage incurred,
    4. carry out inspections of the rooms in accordance with the Article 9, clause 2, letter i),
    5. make an exception to the ban on keeping sports equipment in the room,
    6. approve alterations in the furniture layout in the room,
    7. change a student’s room assignment due to operational reasons,
    8. amend the Accommodation Contract,
    9. enter a room only in the presence of the resident or persons authorized by the resident. When protecting life or property from imminent danger, no prior notification or presence of the persons stated above is necessary to enter the room.

  3. Responsibilities for the Residence Hall Management:
    1. to provide regular operation for the Hall of Residence,
    2. to post the Residence Halls Rules applicable in a visible place,
    3. to schedule the removal of known damages and defects in the building of the particular Hall of Residence as soon as possible,
    4. to improve the accommodation conditions depending on financial, material and technical resources,
    5. to inform the students in advance about all crucial steps to be taken by the Landlord Management, the consequences thereof concern the accommodated students directly.

Article 11 – Daily Programme in the Halls of Residence

  1. The opening time in the Hall of Residence is 24/7
  2. The quiet hours are established from 22:00 to 06:00

Article 12 – Guest policy

  1. Visitors are required to abide by the provisions included in the Residence Halls Rules, to follow the instructions issued by the Executive Director of the Landlord.
  2. The visiting hours in the Halls of Residence have been established from 08:00 to 23:00.
  3. Arrangements for having visitors must be agreed upon by roommates.
  4. Visitors must be signed in as guests at the porter’s lodge and give their full name and the door number of the person visited. The visitors are registered upon presentation of the identification card, an official pass or a passport and the Residence Halls identification card. Mutual visits of the students between the Halls UH-4 and UH-5 do not need to be signed in as guests and are not time limited.
  5. The visitor staying over at the Hall of Residence after 23:00 becomes a guest. The student must put the visitor up for the night and pay a rate according to the Price List of Accommodation at the porter’s lodge. When the student does not do his/her duty, the Landlord charges him/her the rate valid for hostel guests.
  6. The visitor can stay over at the Halls of Residence as a guest no longer than 7 nights in a month and a student can put up two visitors at the same time at the most.
  7. All the guest not duly signed in are strictly banned from staying over at the Halls of Residence.

Article 13 – Responsibility for detriments

  1. Students are required to close all the room windows and the room doors any time they leave the room. Students are also required to have the room doors closed when they sleep.
  2. Students are required to put all their money and valuables kept in the room into the lockers and keep the locker locked without having the key in the door lock.
  3. The Landlord stands surety for the material detriments caused to the student in his/her assigned place in the extent and under the conditions stated in the Civil Code in the Official Publication of Laws and Statutes in the version of later alterations and amendments and the observance of the rules mentioned above.
  4. When the student applies for the compensation of a demages to his/her common personal things in his/her assigned place the immediate notification of a damage or loss to the Landlord is necessary otherwise the claim to the compensation is baseless.
  5. The student is required to prove that the damaged or lost things, money and other valuables were properly ensured in accordance with the Residence Halls Rules and that the claim to the compensation is justified. The Police is called to investigate the event each time when the claim to the compensation exceed the amount of CZK 1000,-. The Landlord does not stand surety for all the brought above-standard things, except for permitted electrical appliances reported to the Landlord.

Ing. Stanislav Gabriel
Executive Director of the Landlord

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